Germany For You offers young Americans who do not normally take part in exchange programs the opportunity to get to know Germany. The program takes place from 2 to 16 June. During their stay, the 15 American students will live with host families in Versmold, North Rhine-Westphalia. They will go to school together and will learn how to get involved in German society. They will also meet young people from Thuringia who have already taken part in the USA For You program. This program gives young people from Germany who are aiming for a secondary school certificate the opportunity to get involved in social projects in the USA. They also live with host families and attend an American school.

Germany For You is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection on the basis of a decision by the German Bundestag and the U.S. Embassy and is run by the exchange organisations Experiment e.V. and the German Youth For Understanding Committee.

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