Event Info

Gymnasium Jüchen


On site

Date and Time
Mi 26.06.2024
07:30 pm – 09:30 pmo'clock
Event City
Gymnasium Jüchen, Stadionstr. 75, 41363 Jüchen

Three years of forced Corona break – this also applied to “Musik Im Atrium”, the traditional cultural event at our school. There were creative alternative solutions such as online recordings, CD productions and online concerts. But a school concert in our own school building, with pupils and parents under the architecturally spectacular glass pyramid – that is always something very special.
This year even more!!! The 2024 concert is the musical kick-off for the new student exchange with Wellesley High School. The concert date has been set specifically so that we can welcome the first group of our American exchange students in an appropriate setting. Our exchange visit will take place in October.
The Big Band will present its latest program on 26 June. From classic swing tunes to Latin grooves, from funk to pop and fusion – as always, a variety of styles is the motto. With singer Finja Sellke, the formation has won several top places in the state competition “Jugend jazzt” and shared the stage with the WDR Big Band as part of the WDR project “Jazz at School”.
Three CDs – “Well Tuned”, “Just for fun” and “Challenges” prove the consistent level of this jazz formation.

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