Event Info

TFF Transatlantic Female Forum



Date and Time
Do 06.06.2024
07:00 pm - 07:30 pmo'clock

TFF Transatlantic Female Forum aims to strengthen cooperation between Germany, Europe and the USA. The visibility of women and their networking as well as the promotion of diversity in the fields of business, politics, science and culture is the aim of TFF’s work. The forum offers a platform for open dialogue, different perspectives and discussions. This takes place through events, research projects, symposia and working groups in the German-American dialogue. The forum also provides additional content through digital conferences and coaching programmes. With their expertise, the members of the Forum enrich the transatlantic cooperation of international women in various areas of life.

We regularly organise virtual events that are open to the public. Anyone interested is welcome to join us! Guests and speakers have included Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, Minister Ina Scharrenbach, Gyde Jensen MdB, Us. Consul Paoline Kao.

More information on our website and our social media channels.

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